The Module setup is simple and straightforward. You can hover over the question icon for helpful tips

Saas Enable Auto Trial
If you select “Yes”, the module auto subscribes your tenants to a trial period as set on the selected package during customer signup. This requires that you have at least marked one package as default in package settings for cases in which customers are not using any specific signup link, the default package will be used as fallback.
Saas auto-creates the first company/ CRM instance
This setting enables the module to auto-create your tenant’s 1st CRM instance immediately after signing up. If the auto trial is disabled, the company will be created immediately after the new user subscribed to a package trial or make payment for a package.
SaaS reserved slugs
These are comma-separated values of subdomain ID that should not be made available to the tenants. Tenant won’t be able to create a company with any of the subdomains listed in this field, this is useful to secure some subdomains on your setup.
Display quota stats on the tenant dashboard
Select the desired attribute for this option. It was put in place to determine how you want the quotas to be displayed on the tenant dashboard.
Landing page options
Select a page to use a landing page. The module comes with a decent basic bootstrap landing page that you can customize to suit your branding, however, you can always choose any other pages. You can manage the pages from Rise page manager i.e. Settings > Setup > Pages. Set to blank option to disable the landing page.
Saas Email Templates
Emails templates sent to your tenants e.g. account registration, instance removal, etc. Click and place your HTML or normal text. The default is still very good and usable and you can customize it to meet your brand’s needs using Rise CRM email editor.
Saas Custom Modules Names
This is a white labeling feature that allows you to rename the modules as they appear in the pricing card details in the client portal.